
Showing posts from June 3, 2015

Slouching Towards Tyranny

Slouch: verb, gerund or present participle: slouching 1 . stand, move, or sit in a lazy, drooping way. Tyranny is the morality of the amoral. It looks like it’s poised for a big comeback. Global lack of a clear, objective moral compass in western democracies is beginning to take its toll on freedom. As a result, just since the New Year 2015 arrived, a number of world and national events indicate western democracies are slouching towards tyranny. Plato was right, again. Democracy concludes in tyranny. Here are some indicators and some prophetic warnings from Alexis de Tocqueville in 1835 and Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) in 1969. ·      ISIS attract millennial jihadists building a modern Caliphate by gobbling up vast swaths of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan ·      Tories thrash Labour turning the recent national UK election into a rout for the British right-wing ·      American Cath...