Revolution Trumps Elections

“Alfred North Whitehead, thinking, I believe, of America, gave this warning: "…wait for the back streets. When they move, the intellectuals are swept aside.”--- Eric Sevareid, CBS News Commentator, at Stanford University's 80th, Commencement June 13, 1971.

Donald J. Trump will win the Presidency in 2016. Why? When people are pissed, then the 'back streets' move and the intellectuals are swept aside. People are pissed. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump know this. Most American voters know this. Nearly all political party hacks and their intellectual puppeteers know this, but they cower in denial. The intellectuals in and out of politics are bemused and befuddled. Every time they unleash their media running-dogs against them, opinion polls for Sanders and Trump rise perceptively and quite predictably. Why? Throughout history revolutions have always trumped elections. This is especially true when democracy fails as it is now in America.

Since it would be obtuse to claim our collective media is just plain stupid, then it’s reasonable to conclude that they are merely feigning ignorance. They are, after all no longer in the news reporting business. They are in the ‘enterfeignment’ (word I invented 8 years ago) business. The reasons for this choice are as various as they are irrelevant. Our politicians and their intellectual programmers fear one devastating reality of civics, the angry mob. The same mob that fired the first shots at Lexington and Concord, stormed the Bastille, overran the Tsar’s imperial winter palace, and marched into Havana following Castro, is loose on the streets of America in this election cycle.

And all it takes is just one person to stand up to a failing regime to incite the mob to revolt. That one man who stood in front of a column of tanks on June 5, 1989, the morning after the Chinese military had suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 by force, became known as the Tank Man or Unknown Protester. He ignited a revolution against the Chinese Military regime.  China has not been the same since. Tank Man’s true identity remains a mystery to this day.

Clearly, given the choice of front-runners at the dawn of the 2106 U.S. presidential election, the mob has chosen revolution over election. Like Tank Man, Donald Trump stepped in front of the column of party anointed ‘tanks’ and defiantly said ‘No’. Unlike his anonymous Chinese counterpart, everyone on the planet knows Donald Trump, and he has 10 billion dollars of his own money to stop the party tanks from rolling over him. What the intellectuals and politicians don’t understand is that Trump does not want to be President of the United States. Why should he? These morons pretend Trump is willing to take a 9.9 billion dollar pay cut to be their piñata for at least four years. That’s not happening. Why be a king when you can make a king? Even better, why pay to buy a king when others will pay you to anoint one? Trump correctly reads the mood of the mob against establishment politicians and tells the mob exactly what they want to hear. Every time intellectuals try to destroy him with media smears, personal attacks, political satire or parody they are merely increasing his mass appeal and pump up his poll numbers.

His mob cares not a twiddle what Trump’s policy is on any important matter. Trump shouts what they only dare to think or, if bold enough, whisper to a confidant over a drink. Trump is the mask the angry mob wants to put on to blow off steam from government shutdowns, higher taxes to support socialist welfare schemes, porous borders, denial of American ‘exceptionialism’, defeatist foreign policy in face of terrorists, and draconian government regulations on business growth. Trump is the master at ‘bait-and-switch’ on all these issues. Only when the mob speaks loudest with his voice, will he anoint the real king. And it won’t be crown prince Jeb Bush.

Judging by the way Bernie Sanders is able to recruit and deploy millennials in mass digital armies, Hillary Clinton will not be crowned Queen either. Another mob salivates at the thought of a President Sanders stealing from the rich to give to the not so rich…no questions asked. Ah…they can taste it. No more rich bastards! Everyone will drive a Ford Focus, live in rent controlled homes, earn a $ 100.00 per hour minimum wage to flip burgers, get cradle to grave welfare for all their needs and material desires, read the same government approved books in school, abolish the military, conquer disease, abolish poverty, open our borders to all comers, and live in a socialist utopia where procreation is a state industry manufacturing socialist babies. All this paid for with other people’s money. And why not? The ordinary people are all pure as the driven snow. They’re all living saints oppressed by the filthy rich. Were it not for the oppression by the rich there would be no crime, poverty, war, disease, stupidity or ignorance. So, it’s not immoral, the fallaciously reason,  to steal back the wealth stolen long ago in the name of the people by government ‘redistribution’. Boehner, Boxer, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Cummo, Brown, de Blasio, and hundreds of their ilk down the city council level have pissed off voters to the point of revolt. These are running-dogs for the filthy rich. Bernie’s mob has only one message for the career politician; off with their heads.  

Unlike Trump, Bernie actually wants to be President and he stands a better chance of being elected even if Donald wanted the job. Looking at the mob led by Sanders we can clearly see the categorical rejection of Hillary Clinton and all things Clintonesque. Bernie has a powerful, idealistic, millennial, tech-savvy mob at his back. They are burdened by crushing student-loan debt, disillusioned by the Democrat Party’s brand of socialism-lite, and looking to make the world suck less. They are a contrary bunch. Despising the ‘filthy-rich’ they crave ‘free-stuff’ from government ‘redistribution’ of other people’s stuff. They truly believe that there is so much wealth in the hands of so very few Americans, that they can keep stealing it through taxes for the foreseeable future. They scream for ‘equality’, but have no idea when or how that equality would be achieved or at whose expense. They can’t even define equality. They demand the right to be heard, yet they shout down speakers who dare disagree with them. They truly believe that you have no right to speak if your opinion is, in their eyes, ‘wrong’. Hillary Clintons failed call for the repeal of the Bill of Rights was an attempt to hijack Bernie’s mob. They will have none of it from her. In their eyes, Hillary represents everything wrong with career politicians especially using elected office for personal aggrandizement rather than public service. In a word, they hate her.

When you drill down to the core of both the Trump and Sanders mobs you find two versions of ‘the American Dream’ in conflict.

Unfortunately, both versions are materialistic dreams. Trump, the oligarch, wants the dream to acquire, profit, reinvest, and acquire more in a never ending cycle of staying ‘rich’. Sanders, the socialist, wants the dream where everything and everyone has the same wealth and possessions as everyone else in a utopian state of ‘equality’. Both are fantasies not dreams. Both lack attention to the real American Dream, freedom to think, speak, associate, create, worship, and be happy with as little state control as is practical to ensure these freedoms. Both mobs have lost sight of what it means to be an American.

Ben Franklin was quite the ladies man, so the legend goes. While American Ambassador to the French Court during the Revolution of 1776, Ben spent a lot of time at ‘salons’ being wined and dined by beautiful French aristocrats each with greater wealth than Donald Trump today. At one particular salon, where bacchanalian delights were intermingled with philosophical discussion a lovely courtesan asked Mr. Franklin, “What does it mean to be an ‘American’ anyway?”  With a sip of fine champagne and a wave of his elegant silk handkerchief he responded with the very definition of the American Dream;
        “To be an ‘American’, Madame, is to assent to a proposition, and Mr. Jefferson wrote the proposition; All men are created equal and they are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights among these are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

This is what is lost in the Trump/Sanders mob movements. The American Dream is not about material riches, it’s about the spiritual freedom to enjoy rights that precede government, freedoms that arise from nature, freedoms that cannot be taken away by government or even renounced by the individual. This is what the mobs are looking for, spiritual freedom.  And this is why neither Donald Trump nor Bernie Sanders will ever be elected President of the United States.

The back streets are moving.



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