Pubic Hair, Pillows, and the Prospect of Tyranny

Ah…! Who can forget the good old days of a "high-tech lynching for uppity conservative blacks" by white, liberal Senators Joe Biden and Teddy Kennedy puppeteers for Commie Anita Hill? Their mission? Block a black, scholarly, conservative Judge from taking a seat on the Supreme Court.  Their weapon of choice? Pubic hair...or a least the mere accusation of pubic hair... on a Coke can no less. Ah, yes we remember it well. The time was 1991. The ‘uppity black’ was Judge Clarence Thomas. The scene was the Senate Judiciary committee confirmation hearings for the SCOTUS nominee. The Chairman of the committee was Senator Joe Biden. Teddy Kennedy rode shotgun.  The rope for the high-tech lynching was woven by Anita Hill. Oh yes, with Justice Scalia’s body still being laid to rest, we re-wind the tape of history exposing white liberals plot  to protect the Supreme Court from a black, conservative appointee with pubic hair on his Coke can.

Lewis Carroll

“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).”

Indeed, the world just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, does it not? Bet you never thought you’d see that day that having a pillow on your head could be overruled as you died of 'natural causes'. Not that the pillow was the actual cause of death for Justice Antonin Scalia last weekend. It’s just that when he died of ‘natural causes’ he had a pillow on his head according to the guy that discovered the body. That was enough for Texas, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara. Reached by phone and having never even seen the body much less examining it, she signed the death certificate stating ‘natural causes’ for the deceased Justice. The Texas Code of Criminal Procedures allows judges and justices of the peace to pronounce cause of death via phone when deemed reasonable. Seriously.

 They sure do death different in Texas don’t they? Remember the shoving match that took place at the door to Parkland Hospital in Dallas the day JFK was shot? Using the casketed remains of the dead President, his aids rammed their way out the door with the local coroner tugging on it claiming he had local jurisdiction over an assassinated President’s body.

Which of course brings us to the pubic hair on a Coke can incident. You remember don’t you? The year was 1991 and President George Hubert Walker Bush just nominated Judge Clarence Thomas to fill an empty seat on the Supreme Court. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden and Vice-Chairman, Teddy Kennedy didn’t want a conservative black judge on the High Court. Not because he was black, mind you, but because he was ‘conservative’. So they found a former employee of Judge Thomas, a black woman named Anita Hill who would testify publicly that Judge Thomas:

1.               Harassed her for dates that she refused
2.             Discussed the merits of the popular porn flick “Long Dong Silver”
3.             Openly bragged about the enormous size of his penis
4.             And…made this odd comment in the office one day “Who put pubic hair on my Coke can?”

Here’s just one video of Anita Hill testifying to these claims to the televised confirmation hearings.

Of course, this attempt at what Judge Thomas latter referred to as a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks" by white liberals, Senators Biden, Kennedy failed miserably. Anita Hill had only unfounded  and unproven accusations. Clarence Thomas was confirmed and serves as a Supreme Court Justice to this day.

What lessons were learned from these two events; the Thomas v. Hill hearings and the ‘natural causes’ death of Justice Antonin Scalia with a pillow on his head? Several. Each involving the prospect of judicial tyranny.

1.               Never suppose that there is any limitation on destroying the credibility of a conservative Supreme Court Justice by some liberal congressional Democrats
2.             Never suppose that a full, competent and transparent autopsy should not be required upon the unattended death of any sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice
3.             Never suppose that any President will resist making law through a Supreme Court nominee
4.             Never suppose that the decisions of the Supreme Court are made in the rarified air of logical abstraction
5.              Never suppose that the unelected tyranny of the Supreme Court makes, in Thomas Jefferson’s words, our constitution ‘ a thing of wax’ to be molded by the shim of nine fallible humans
6.             But always suppose that the other two branches of our Republic will fight to the death to control this unelected judicial tyranny of the United States Supreme Court

In his work Liberty, State, and Union: The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson, Luigi Marco Basani presents Jefferson’s misgivings about judicial tyranny and the urge to usurp it considering it felo de so….suicide.

  The following is a small, but representative, sample of a number of Jefferson’s views on the power of the judicial branch of the federal government.
He said judicial tyranny made the Constitution “a thing of wax.”

If [as the Federalists say] “the judiciary is the last resort in relation to the other departments of the government,” … , then indeed is our Constitution a complete felo de so. … The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they may please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law. --- Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, Nov. 1819

As this sentence is written, Barack Obama has only 337 days, 11 hours and 16 seconds before he must vacate the White House. His successor will likely be Donald Trump. Not because he’s as pure as  the driven snow. Not because he’s the most intelligent, best informed or best liked person to become President in 2016. No. The reason is a simple one. Trump understands power, raw power and how to get it. All he has to do is wait for the flummoxed mob to give it to him…and they will. The mob may be stupid, but it is determined to wield raw power. If they are to be ruled by clowns, then they at least want to vote for them. The mob has tired of pubic hair on Coke cans, pillows on heads, and the prospect of judicial tyranny.


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