Death of the Family

“The family is the association established by nature for the supply of man's everyday wants.”

Yeah, the family is dead. It died of a broken heart on hearing that SCOTUS granted the divorce between marriage and procreation. The divorce was demanded by femmafia capos and the gaystapo thugs. Babies will be made in artificial wombs soon. The basic unit of society has gone the way of the Dodos. Stupid birds didn’t read the memo. When humans with guns showed up…game over. But are we any different than the Dodo? Physical human extinction-level events increase with our increase in knowledge about our measurable universe. But is it probable for a whole species to choose extinction and commit species suicide? Going extinct like the Dodo bird is one thing. A flightless, 40-pound bird with no natural predators, the poor thing had to wait for the arrival of humans to vanish from the planet. But for a species to vanish by choice would require decisions by otherwise rational animals would it not? Since humans are the only animals to exhibit reason, at least on occasion, it follows that only the human species could commit species suicide lemmings notwithstanding. That’s exactly what humans are doing; committing slow but inexorable species suicide. How? Through a culture celebrating the death of the human family.

If the human family is the basis of human society and if you destroy the family, then you destroy the society. And if you destroy human society, as Aristotle pointed out, you do a most unnatural thing; you commit human species suicide. No ginormous asteroid needed.
Two intersecting cultural revolutions combined for the perfect tipping point rendering the human family unit obsolete. Bemusing is it not, that there is such a clear time and place to mark the beginning of the human species suicide? You missed it? Oh, how could you? Sure it’s taking a long time and it’s far from over, but you could not have noticed could you? It started in the early 1970’s. And like many social revolutions, it started for a host of good reasons. But also like many social revolutions it quickly metastasized into a cultural cancer that, over time is killing the species. It only took one generation for the disease to start. Its end is as predictable as it is irrevocable. Marriage and the family was first rendered undesirable through ‘feminism’ then made irrelevant through ‘the gay agenda’.

When it became more likely that a woman would give birth at age 25 than get married, you should have noticed human species suicide had just begun. If you believe the British Office of National statistics, more humans are living alone, more of their children are raised by single parents or no parents at all, and more grown-up children over 25 are living with their parents. America has the highest divorce rate in the world. Although 90 of the population get married before age 50, in America 40 to 50 percent of first time marriages end in divorce. The percentage is even higher for subsequent marriages according the American Psychological Association.

Globally, the traditional family unit as the basis of society began dying about 40 years ago. On the official death certificate the cause of death will be recorded as ‘congestive feminism’ exacerbated by congenital ‘gay agenda’ aneurysm. True, there were other complications resulting from congestive ‘feminism’, but the root cause is now understood without serious doubt. And, like draconian climate change, it is undebatable. Although the heterosexual divorce rate is actually decreasing overall, ‘gay divorce’ will send the rate skyrocketing until finally ‘marriage’ will be eliminated altogether. After all, if it began as an institution to procreate, nurture, and protect children that has degenerated into childless mutual masturbation, who needs marriage?

As reported recently in the Huffington-Puiffington Post:

The feminist movement of the 1970s played a considerable role in where the divorce rate is now, according to economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfer. As women entered the work force and gained reproductive rights, marriage began to evolve into its "modern-day form, based on love and shared passions, and often two incomes and shared housekeeping duties."

Where were you when bras were burned and when women started dressing like lumber jacks going camping? Although ‘free-sex’ didn’t mean sex was free, but it did mean that women lost interest in having children. To be fair, most early 1970’s feminists resisted this inclination marrying into long-lasting, productive, stable, child-bearing unions.

That didn’t last long as cultural revolutions always have to move forward with new complaints and demands. Otherwise, like labor unions born in the 1930’s they atrophy in a few decades without new martyrs. Losing interest in marriage was the next logical step for women. Women had to be liberated from the oppression of the penis. Today many women even regard a marriage proposal as ‘perpetuating a rape-culture’, Yeah. No kidding. In a recent BUSTLE article we find this:

The prescription that the only valid couples are heterosexual is closely linked with the notion that two people in a relationship should play complementary roles. This means that one does the dishes and takes care of the kids, while the other is the breadwinner. It also means that one is dominant while the other is submissive, and one is the sexual initiator while the other is the gatekeeper whose desires aren't considered. By contributing to a system in which masculinity is equated with dominating women, especially in sexual situations, these stereotypes perpetuate rape culture. 

When it became certified by the United States Supreme Court that marriage was now legally divorced from procreation, the death of the family enters its final throws of suicide. Again, there was good reason behind the decision. Some homosexuals who want to raise other people’s children will make exemplary parents. Some, but not all. And not all homosexuals desire this parenting role. Preoccupied by fellatio and penis size on the male side and cunnilingus and freedom from the penis on the female side, the ‘gay agenda’ spells the death of the family. When dogs, cats, birds and snakes replace infants and children as the center of affection between lovers, death of the family is imminent.

All of the potential good notwithstanding the gay has gone out of ‘gay’. How? The parts don’t fit and they don’t do what nature intends. Result is chronic depression, rampant suicide, self-absorbed victimhood, and an abiding horror that their coitus can never procreate a new human being. There’s just so much ‘gay’ you can get at a dog or cat show. Gay bars and bath houses flourish even in the AIDS epidemic. The US National Library of Medicine study of homosexual bars and bathhouses recently concluded:
Results. Fourteen percent of respondents reported a previous HIV-positive test, 14% reported unprotected anal intercourse, and 9% reported unprotected anal intercourse with a partner of unknown or discordant HIV status during the current commercial sex venue visit. By logistic regression, recent unprotected anal intercourse outside of a commercial sex venue was independently associated with unprotected anal intercourse. Sex venue site and patron drug use were strongly associated with unprotected anal intercourse at the crude level. The 2004 and 2006 survey populations did not differ significantly in demographics or behaviors.
“Conclusions. Patron and venue-specific characteristics factors may each influence the frequency of HIV risk behaviors in commercial sex venues. Future research should evaluate the effect of structural and individual-level interventions on HIV transmission.

Hold on to your uterus feminists, babies from artificial wombs will soon pitter-patter around your floor soon. No man, no marriage, no labor pain no visible pregnancy and most of all no family to worry about. 

Artificial wombs, able to gestate a foetus outside the body, will completely upend feminism’s accepted arguments on bodily autonomy – for good or ill
Depending on who uses artificial wombs and under what circumstances, the impacts could be profound, as Samantha Allen argues:
[The] separation of gestation from a woman’s body will have earth-shattering consequences for the contemporary feminist movement ... Ectogenesis will pry open every gendered fault-line in contemporary cultural politics, from workplace politics to the men’s rights movement to an increasingly virulent abortion debate.

That will certainly kill the maternity-dress industry in the brave new world. And, it fits nicely with the drift towards global socialism. Not only will individual industry be eliminated, but state owned artificial womb factories will procreate us into extinction. 

Move over Dodos. Here we went.


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