Peasants Prefer Plutocracts



plo͞oˈtäkrəsē/  noun: government by the wealthy.
    • a country or society governed by the wealthy.
      plural noun: plutocracies
    • an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.

  1. “Trump “is more popular among Americans that are white than those who aren’t, and more popular among Americans with penises than those without. Often, these white men are also working or middle class and middle-aged.” So says Mona Chalabi when she wanted to describe a Donald Trump voter in The Guardian, she conjured a 45-year-old male named Michael who never attended college, works 9-hour days as an exterminator, and earns $33,000 per year.”

    Want more reasons you'll be saying President Donald J. Trump in January 2020 as I predicted for 2016? It's a nuclear political cosmology. Sure, gentlemen prefer blondes, and diamonds are a girl's best friend. But, as Karl Marx pointed out to the modern world, power is truth. For that reason no intellectual can figure this Trump thing out. Everyone is dumbfounded. 

    Peasants, in battalion strength, are now chasing after a plutocratic billionaire demanding that he rule them as President.  Not since Julius Caesar thrice refused the kingly crown have the hoi polloi yearned for a dictator to save them from political chaos, national shame, and economic disaster. Yet it’s not that complicated, and that itself is part of the explanation. Lateral nuancing has  not provided the answer. So far, prevailing pundit wisdom has not drilled down deep enough to the un-nuanced truth behind peasants preferring plutocracy. What is that truth?

    ‘We the people’ no longer trust our political and academic institutions.  Both have failed the people they are supposed to serve on the one hand, and properly educate our children on the other. To make matters worse, these two failures occur in a moral chaos of cultural relativism that declares; there is no truth. When there is no truth only might makes right and only feelings serve as a guide for action.

    Before the plutocrat came along, both the Democrat and Republican parties melded so closely together that it’s no longer easy to tell them apart. Driven by practical rather than moral imperatives, Democrats sound like Republicans, and the converse is also true. There are few if any ‘bight lines’ of policy separating the two major parties ideologically. In five major ways Democrats and Republicans are identical at the practical level:

    ·     Both believe in expanding government at the expense of individual liberty

    ·     Both care uppermost about keeping their own power

    ·     Both engage in endless and futile wars

    ·     Both are wholly owned subsidiaries of Big Business

    A consistent trend in national polling for the 2016 election shows Republicans have the edge on the economy, terrorism, immigration and gun policy, while more voters choose one of the Democrats candidates on race relations and health care, with about an even split between the two parties on foreign policy. Power is the holy grail of party politics.  
    Power, its acquisition and retention, is the common core they share. Nothing else matters to them. This explains why, according to the reliable REALPOLITICS.COM, supporters of the Plutocrat are not “particularly ideological”. This explains why a billionaire can attract low-income, and low-education voters across party divides, and contradicts the prevailing wisdom of ‘party loyalty’ and the more arcane ‘party allegiance’. Allegiance is something one has to an ideology. The Plutocrat reminds these newly liberated voters; “We’re being ripped off by the two parties and their leaders”. The brute economic fact is that the 'median household income' reached its high in 1999 at around $58,000.00 and has slid down to about $53,000.00 today. This one fact explains why party wonks and social justice academics are being ridiculed and ignored whenever they attack the plutocrat. Peasants don't know much about the emergence of lesbian themes in 13th century French literature, but they sure can count. Should Cesar ever accept the crown, then it’s game over for the professional pols, their wonks, and their academic catamites.  Every attack confirms what the plutocrat says; “They’re lying to you…they’ve only been interested in themselves for years. You vote them in and they do nothing. Worse, they take more of your money to waste hiring more government workers to steal from you, your family and your children.” The peasant looks at his/her lot; “He’s right…get rid of party wonks and get government off our backs and out of our wallets.”

    This is the exact opposite of the 1930’s socialist candidate. He thinks more government will right all wrongs, injustice, and inequities. Only children believe such rubbish, and that explains the socialist’s core voter group that is also fed up with party politics that has historically failed to deliver ‘free shit for everyone’. Both sets of peasants are being screwed, but in different ways and for different reasons. At least now the peasants have no illusions that their party will serve them. Peasants now realize the futility of Republicans versus Democrats, us against them, and liberal versus conservative. Peasants, regardless of party or ideology, now realize it’s everyone against government. And it’s not just the politicians in government, it’s the thousands of career government agents, many of them carrying guns, that regulate how much we owe in taxes, who gets groped at airports, who can marry who, what’s safe to eat, if we have to buy insurance or wear a bike helmet. Peasants accept the need for some government, just not this monstrous one.

    On the eve of ‘Super Tuesday’ results of the CNN poll were staggering in these categories of support for a plutocrat:
    Trump is widely viewed as the candidate in the field who would be most effective at solving the country's problems, 51% vs. 17% for Cruz, 13% for Rubio and 10% for Carson, and as being best able to handle the responsibilities of being commander-in-chief, 48% say so, compared with 17% for Cruz and 15% for Rubio. The billionaire is also seen as the one who best understands the problems facing people like you, 46% Trump vs. 18% Cruz and 15% Rubio. (emphasis mine)

    And that last category “best understands the problems facing people like you” brings up the billionaire envy factor shared by most of the population. Even socialists play the lotto dreaming that they will no longer have to prattle on about ‘inequalities’. How can the socialist candidate compete with the lure of the billionaire? He can’t. This helps explain why black voters are not automatic socialists. They want to enjoy all the material things wealth can purchase that has long been denied them as decedents of slaves. Blacks don’t want to ride around in an ugly socialist Yugo car, live in an ugly row house identical to all others in their neighborhood. Blacks don’t want to send their kids to socialist schools to learn ‘common core' voodoo. Just like everyone else, they want their kids to go to the best private schools wealth can afford. They want wealth just like everyone else. They certainly don’t want a socialist government regulating how many kids they are restricted to procreate. And when they get sick, they don’t want a socialist medical team deciding that someone younger deserves better treatment or even life itself. 

    Then, there’s the peasant's disgust with academia. It’s not so much the poor quality of their local schools that bothers them, though it does. It’s the total abandonment of higher education’s commitment to, as Aristotle reminds us, what an educated person really is, “…one who can examine an idea without necessarily accepting it.” Peasants know that there is a real, true, good and beautiful world to be chosen by mental discipline, risk, industry, and an adventure called ‘the pursuit of happiness’. Instead, the peasant sees their child seduced by onerous ‘financial aid’ that sounds like free money, to ‘go to college’ as though that was the only road to individual happiness and prosperity.  It’s a lie, of course, and the peasant now knows it’s all been a lie because that child is back home living with them. That child is unable to get a job, buy a house or start a family while shackled with crippling student loan debt and a worthless degree. All this, the peasant knows if the result of the cabal between academia raising its ‘pay to play’ and the politicians serving the Wall Street financial markets. Peasants also learned before the blow out on Super Tuesday that GOP party pros will do anything to prevent the incorrigible nationalist, the plutocrat from getting the nomination even if that means electing a euro-style globalist, Hillary Clinton.

    Peasants know this is immoral. Yes, they are angry. They have every right to be. And when they chose the Plutocrat, as surely they will, it’s not because he’s likable, fuzzy, warm, compassionate and a soft social justice warrior. It’s because he’s the very opposite of all those things. It's the only way out for the peasant trapped in political party lies, government interference in their happiness, and an education system that no longer educates. Peasants are not fools, they just don’t share the illusions of perfection held by the elite regardless of party or ideology. They want a strong leader. They want a plutocrat.

    Enter the Plutocrat …stage right…. singing;

    “We will make America great again.” By 'great' the peasant understands, prosperous and secure. When it's all about money, a 'based'* plutocrat is the obvious choice.

    * 'based' is a urban street term for: "I don't care what you think about me."

  2. So what is it? Is it the power of the penis?  Is it the stupidity of the vast, unwashed, and uneducated masses? Is it a systemic American racism? Could it be the revenge of the low-information voter? How about an epidemic of xenophobia, homophobia, and paranoia for good measure? Perhaps, it’s the early harbinger of fascism? Are all these evil forces converging in the perfect storm threatening liberal democracy? Or is it just that peasants prefer plutocracy because it's the economy stupid?


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