Trojan Horses of Islam

Angela Merkel, the face that sunk a thousand ships, is set to play Helen of Troy, the face that launched a thousand ships in the new movie; TROJAN HORSES OF ISLAM  from an original short story, THIS IS FOR ALLAH by Osama Bin Laden.  Directed by former president, Barack Obama, with an original screenplay by former Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. This George Soros production has locations set in London, Syria, Paris, Brussels, and San Bernardino, California. Lavish sound stages are being built in Washington D.C. and Podunk, Arkansas for Hillary Clinton’s close-ups for her cameo in the flick. confirmed that cameras will roll this June in the long awaited, blockbuster Bernie Sanders/Coen Brothers co-production with a trillion dollar Soros budget. 2016 presidential candidate, and now the film's co-producer, Bernie Sanders, will donate any profits to Tommy’s Shoes so that Syrian children will have proper footwear when their bodies are blown to bloody bits by Muslim suicide bombers living in Britain and France. 

The guy is all heart and it shows. “As a 1930’s socialist”, he told Time magazine on Friday, “I don’t expect any profits.” The Coen brothers told Oprah Winfrey on Saturday, “We will use any profits to fly American refugees to Canada after Donald Trump is elected president.” Since Donald Trump was in fact elected U.S. President in 2016, Oprah pushed Sanders to estimate the number and the cost of the fleeing American refugees. The movie mogul brothers tweeted, “Call Joe Biden, and buy a shotgun.”

In his first outing as movie director, former U.S President, Barack Obama, promises Trojan Horses of Islam will be “unabashedly Marxist” in tone as well as content. The Meddlesome Priest caught up with the first time director in Havana, Cuba at the palace of Fidel Castro. The 89 year-old, ailing communist dictator, who has been quite dead for some time,  is putting the final touches on the Trojan Horses of Islam screenplay which is also his first, and last, adventure in the movie business. “Everyone will be smoking Cuban cigars in my movie.” Castro joked while passing around a huge humidor on wheels pushed by a 12 year old Dutch slave boy named ‘Jimmy’. “I named him after President Carter since he could not visit me here in Cuba.” [NOTE: nervous laughter all around as stern faced, Kalashnikov armed guards fingered their weapons at the door.  Other ethnically diverse slave boys scurried about serving drinks from large silver trays. Like their kissing cousins the socialist, Marxists are keen on diversity especially among their slave populations. Being a communist state only one kind of beverage was offered, the Cuba Libre.]

Most Americans still think Premier Fidel Castro is dead. Recalling Mr. Obama’s 2016 historic visit to Cuba, the New York Times reported:

Fidel Castro remains alive. Yet, as President Obama visits the island, transfixing Cubans and resetting their expectations about the future, Mr. Castro is tucked away, out of sight and largely out of mind. A once towering figure in hemispheric politics is gradually fading into irrelevance.
His mixed legacy, to be sure, remains embedded in today’s Cuba.
The repressive apparatus Mr. Castro established to clamp down on dissent was on display hours before Air Force One touched down in Havana on Sunday, as state police officers swiftly roughed up and hauled away protesters. Members of the Cuban power structure’s old guard, who remain lodged in Cold War ideological trenches, warned that Mr. Obama’s delegation would include Trojan Horses

Our all too brief interview went like this:

MP:       “President Obama, we thought you’d buy an NBA team rather than go into the movie business. Is this a bucket-list adventure for you”?

BO:        Let me be clear about one thing. My decision is based solely on the similarity between being President of the United States and making movies. You see, I pretended to be president just like in a movie. That’s why I was so popular as president. Everybody liked me. Everyone wanted to shoot hoops and drink beer with me. How else can you explain a black guy like me, with no special talent or experience getting himself elected President of the United States … Twice?

Remember when Islamic terrorists blew up 31 people in Brussels recently? Where was I? Hunkered down in some bunkered situation-room 3 miles below Maryland? No, I was right here with my buddy Raoul Castro doing the wave at a soccer game. The Muslim world notices things like that. They love soccer. They love me.

MP:       Premier Castro, what made you team up with President Obama to write this epic screen play glorifying  Muslim global migration as a way to destroy Capitalism,  democracy and Christianity?

FC:               Obviously you are a stupid priest and you’re only interested in my slave boys here…but let me educate you. Capitalism is using its money; we socialists throw it away.  As a pedophile you can appreciate how dramatizing ‘appearances’ is so important in politics. Nothing else matters. That’s why I decided to collaborate with Mr. President Obama to tell the whole story of western bourgeois corruption inflaming Islam into terrorist revolution and destruction of the capitalist pigs and their pederast popes. Islam's secret weapon? Innocent refugees. Brilliant! With their decadent Christian morality western leaders could not resist dragging these Trojan Horses of Islam into their heartlands.

MP:       And you took the Trojan Horses metaphor as the vehicle for your script?

BO:        Let me address that if I may. Look, America is corrupt and in decline. All I did as its president is smooth out the way for America’s absorption into the Islamic State. Sure, it wasn’t easy. But after Europe folded like a cheap suit in the face of overwhelming Islamic State terrorist attacks, even Donald Trump could not save America or ‘make it great again’. America’s time has passed. That’s the role I played as president. Americans don’t want real leaders anymore. They want entertainers that make them feel better. That’s why they chose me. That and black racism mixed with white guilt. That’s what I gave them. President Trump will just give them a different show. Islam will conquer through the womb.

FC:        And you see, pedophile priest, the three thousand year old legend of the Trojan Horse, excuse the pun, is the perfect cinematic vehicle for the global conquest of the west. These corrupt western so-called democracies quibble over their beauty just like the Trojans and Greeks quibbled over Helen as the suitable bride for Prince Paris.  Meanwhile the Greeks lay siege for ten years, pretend to go away, hide in a great wooden Horse that the Trojans mistake for a parting gift in defeat and then have their throats cut by the fighters hidden inside the Horse. It’s the perfect analogy for the movie celebrating the overthrow of the debauched democracies.

BO:        Exactly, as my friend Fidel has written it recent events run parallel to the Trojan legend as we portray it in the movie. Make no mistake, Europeans and Americans invited Islamic State fighters into their countries hidden in among hundreds of thousands of refugees. It shows how foolish they were thinking that they were morally superior by inviting their own assassins into their very citadels. Fools! They’re the weak idiots of today’s history. They deserve to be slaughtered even while they paint their Face Book pictures with decadent homosexual flags. Quaint but tragically humorous don’t you think?

MP:       Who decided to cast Angela Merkel as Helen of Troy?

FC:        Ah…!  Bourgeois priest, finally you ask a good question. That was the brilliance of Mr. President Obama. Remember how the myth went or were you too busy practicing your depraved pederasty? My source has it this way as I narrate this passage in the film’s opening using my own voice:
“The story begins with a competition between three goddesses: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Each of them wants to win the prize: a golden apple, inscribed with the words "for the most beautiful". When their judge, a young Trojan prince by the name of Paris, awards the apple to Aphrodite, she promises in return that he can marry Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world and wife of the Greek lord, Menelaus. Paris steals Helen away to Troy, Menelaus is enraged and gathers a force of ships to attack Troy and bring her back... and the Trojan War begins.”

So yes, bugger-of-boys, Chancellor Merkel is perfect of the role of Helen of Troy. After all, like Helen, she’s arrogant and stupid.

 Our visit was cut short by the screams of political prisoners being tortured in the courtyard outside. A drooling Castro grabbed my arm on the way out to the car and whispered invidiously in my ear, “I like you, priest. You have balls. So, you can have your pick of my slave boys to bugger. Yes….I like you. Here in this communist paradise some priests are more equal than others.”

After a gracious demurring our car pulled away.  From the balcony above a happy, beaming, Cuban- cigar-chomping, Barrack Obama waved us off with, “Now I know why they call you The Meddlesome Priest. Allahu akbar!”

Cut! Print!


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