Broken Mirrors of Our Souls

Celebrities are the broken mirrors of our own flawed souls. Robert De Niro  and Colin Kaepernick are just the latest examples. This is made clear when they presume to instruct their 'fans' on how to think politically. They’re our broken dreams that bleed, overdose, marry five times, abuse their kids, murder, rape, lie, cheat, and steal… all with celebrity immunity and impunity.  No matter how bad their behavior, they get the best tables at clubs, the inside deals denied to others, the glowing press for their most trivial efforts, and the shortest sentences or no sentence at all for their crimes. Peasants drool on the ooze from their every orifice. Then, they die, immediately elevated to immortality’s pantheon.  So, why do we enlarge them in death beyond what they were in life? Some say they were superior beings unlike the rest of us. Some say we do it out of jealousy. We see them as superlatively glamourous, rich, sexy, popular, thin, demi-gods. “Oh, if only that were me!”  we murmur at the mere glimpse or sound of them. “I would be so good to people, so generous with my money. If I were like them I would make a difference in this cruel world”, we dream. And there it is, isn’t it? Just so. Celebrities are the broken dreams of our souls. 

The latest celebrity to die is Sutter Brown. Who? You ask? Sutter, until his death at the ripe old age of 13 was Governor Jerry Brown’s Pembroke Welsh corgi. As befitting his celebrity, part of the gubernatorial press release reads;

“Sutter passed away peacefully this afternoon with the Governor and First Lady at his side and was laid to rest at the family ranch in Colusa County, where he loved to roam, sniff and play,” Brown spokesman Evan Westrup said in a statement Friday afternoon.

Adding to the global grief orgy is the news that Pan Pan just died the day before Christmas. “Who?”  You ask? Pan Pan was the oldest living male panda. His legendary virility accounts for his 130 children. That’s 25 % of all Pandas in captivity. What a guy!

And then there was Hamrabe, perhaps the greatest instant celebrity to die in 2015. His social media memes are exploited for every conceivable screwball cause, or lame-brained notion. Why? He’s a famous dead animal, And, oh…if only we could be as good as Hamrabe, then the world would be saved. No more hate, war, disease, hunger, or pain. That’s how unhinged celebrity worshipers become.

One of the very icons of celebrity was Marilyn Monroe. Few knew she saw right through fame down to its corrosive core of the stars and the gazers.
“Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.” 
“When you’re famous you kind of run into human nature in a raw kind of way. It stirs up envy, fame does. People you run into feel that, well, who is she who does she think she is, Marilyn Monroe? They feel fame gives them some kind of privilege to walk up to you and say anything to you, you know, of any kind of nature and it won’t hurt your feelings. Like it’s happening to your clothing. One time here I am looking for a home to buy and I stopped at this place. A man came out and was very pleasant and cheerful, and said, ‘Oh, just a moment, I want my wife to meet you.’ Well, she came out and said, “Will you please get off the premises?” You’re always running into people’s unconscious.”
 Marilyn Monroe

 I've known many celebrities from my days in Hollywood. They're all dead now. None of them were dogs, cats, pandas or gorillas. When each of them died, it bemused me to realize that they were broken mirrors of our imperfections. All of them, and all of the most recent 2016 batch as we now see, were plagued in various degrees with addictions to alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, casual sex, and the consequent dysfunctional relationships that inevitably resulted. Yet, we idolized them making them cartoons of their real self. Few, very few, knew their fame was just dumb luck that had nothing to do with their talent or ability. Consider the active members of the newly merged actors union in Hollywood, AFTRA-SAG. Of the total active membership of 135,045 only 21,256 actually worked as an actor in 2016. Many are called, but few are chosen. Money makes celebrity these days, not talent or ability. Forbes has a list of the top 100 ‘celebrity’ money earners. Check it out. All of them have no special talent at all except the ability to become filthy rich and boring at the same time. THAT does take talent.

But ‘celebrity’ didn’t used to be so venal, empty, and negative. Back in the day, celebrity was earned by display of unique talent and ability to thrill a room full of people. Celebrity carried with it a moral responsibility to be a positive role model for our young. Any hint of scandal would ruin a career then. Today, scandal makes a career. Shortly before one of 'old school' died he told me, "Celebrity is corrosive and cancerous to the personality. " He knew whereof he spoke. One day we were walking to the opening of the then new SAG HQ on Hollywood Blvd. chatting away aimlessly as was our custom. A gaggle of tourists fell out of a bus parked at the curb nearby. Spotting my famous friend, they approached him vigorously shoving paper and pen under his chin...."I've seen all your movies, and SPARTACUS was you're very best...can I please have your autograph? Unruffled, and still finishing his sentence to me, he took each paper and signed it in his grand scroll. While signing the last one for his adoring 'fans' he said with no trace of irony or sarcasm whatsoever, "Yes...I agree....SPARTACUS was a pretty good movie, nice to meet you." As we parted company from his 'fans' bewildered lady read his signature out loud in an incredulous voice. " Charlton Heston " Sotto voce, I could not resist asking....but he cut me short."Yep...happens all the time....happens to Kirk Douglas too..." . That's what it's like being a 'celebrity'. You're the broken mirror of other selves. It's no wonder we enlarge them in death far beyond what they were in life. May they all rest in peace.

 They earned it.


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