Defund Marxist Postmodern Government Schools

 Defunding Marxist Government Schools

Many wonder why #DefundMarsistGovernementSchools has gained wide public and political traction. Here's why. Since 1972 our tax-funded public schools, K - University, gradually decayed into indoctrination centers run by postmodern nihilists, i.e. those who claim that there is nothing more to human existence except lust for power, word games, and our feelings. That’s it. That's all there is. Nothing more, and certainly nothing transcendent. Now, you might ask; If 'nihilism' is true, then why isn’t it nothing like everything else? If it's true, then it must be false and vice-versa, if false, then true. Postmodernists hope you’ll never notice their core  self-contradiction.  Moreover, if there’s no truth, then we ought not to believe their claims. Or, if you do throw logical contradiction at their core claims, they will retort that ‘logical contradiction’ is just another word game. 

Postmodernism, like Marxism, its father, is the ultimate ‘insulated theory’. That's any theory when any criticism is thrown at it, the criticism itself is turned on it's head and thrown back as proof for their claims. Dictators of the old Russian Soviet Union routinely sent political dissidents off to mental institutions on the grounds that any criticism of Marxist revealed truth is proof of lunacy. According to the postmodern, there is no reality, truth, goodness, nor beauty. We just play word games with each other about such topics based solely on our ‘feelings’ about these words.  Of all the sins begat by the bastard children of postmodern academics there is only one original sin, i.e. replacing reason with feelings. This sin is as invidious as it is insidious for it is the gateway sin to all other contemporary aberrations, heresies, logical fallacies, and political upheavals. Worse still, this original sin and its corruption of mind/soul has been engineered by a linguistic theft on such a scale as to dwarf the looting of Egypt and India by the British Empire. Tax-subsidized teachers are the engineers of this draconian education robot. Socialism is merely their battering ram.

Now, in 2019,  three generations of teachers and professors have graduated from undergrads to professorships stuffed with the postmodern-nothingness that proclaims there is no Reality, no Truth, no Goodness, no Beauty. This claim is not arrived at by any logical argument or evidence it is simply proclaimed as though it were some self-evident revelation from…nowhere...nothingness. The upshot is yet another proclamation; "Language is the only reality." or more famousely, 'The limit of my language is the limit of my world." Wittgenstein walked that back just before his death.  To his postmodern acolytes, though, human meaning is just a series of‘word games' that we play with each other. Consequently, there is no right or wrong product of logic and best evidence presented to our reason. There are only feelings about words. Definitions are arbitrary and capricious. Everyone is free to create their own dictionary. Feelings replace Logic.  Accusation replaces evidence. And, our feelings are the only compass directing us in a dank and gloomy journey through a meaninglessness life embedded in nothingness. The very first application of this vacuous state of mind, this anti-philosophy, this mind abortion, was to words in ordinary language; i.e. ordinary words such as right, wrong, male, female, sex, love, heaven, hell, evidence, proof, life, death, person, animal, justice, equity, equality, beauty, reality, goodness, truth. These are the core hijacked words in the postmodern dictionary now taught to our kids in public schools K-University. These essential words no longer mean what they mean. Children are taught to make words mean whatever the student feels that they mean. Students are now taught to reject 'old ideas' of reality, truth, goodness, and beauty just becasue they are 'old' and not post-modern. The social wreckage now surrounding us the only predictable outcome of this linguistic lunacy. 

What can be done, if anything? Can reasoning over feelings resume  ts transcendent primacy of place in making rational decisions? Is it too late to try?  Dr. Roger Scruton and Dr. Jordan Peterson think it’s not too late, and we must try and they have a solution akin to that of Dr. Jason D. Hill in his Book We Have Overcome

Recently, a colloquium was held called 'Apprehending the Transcendent'. It was  a conversation between Dr Jordan Peterson and Sir Roger Scruton, moderated by Dr Stephen Blackwood, introduced by Professor Douglas Hedley, presented by The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism and Ralston College, held on November 2nd, 2018 in Cambridge, England. At the end of that hour and a half conversation (go to video marker 1:15.00) dismantling postmodernism’s grip on public education they came to their solution. 

THE SOLUTION:  Defund all public-school education of tax-payer subsidies and “… let them sort themselves out.” according to Jordan Peterson. Schools that wish to continue indoctrinating their students imposing the postmodern curriculum will still be free to do so. They just won’t get a dime from taxpayers. Professor Peterson advocated this in Canada by suggesting the solution is to cut the budget of public universities by 25% until and unless they institute the only ‘diversity’ that really matters to a university, the diversity of ideas.  Sir Roger recommends, and Jordan agrees, we should de-fund all tax-payer funded schools and let them sort the transcendent classical wheat from the nihilist postmodernist chaff. This is a watershed moment in global education.

But this will take time to apply politically. Most tax-payers are still unaware of the problem; and such a solution will appear ‘madness’ to them even though they see the destruction of their traditional principles and values in their own culture every day.

So, is there anything that can be done now, right away to defrock the postmodern priests and priestesses masquerading as educators?  Yes. All of us, and any of us, can simply stop using the postmodern dictionary. Ransom and recover their sinfully stolen words crafted from their insipid ‘feelings’. Use their own emotional sacraments against them to recover our hijacked words. Since there is no ‘truth’ according to them, then any word can mean anything that anyone ‘feels’ it means.  ‘Feel’ that words mean what they mean and not how they have been hijacked to mean in today's culture. Use the proper meaning and not the hijacked meaning.

Syllabus of Postmodern Hijacked Words:  

Word                                      Hijacked meaning             Proper meaning


Climate Change


Democratic Socialism








Global community

Global Warming

Hate Speech













Social Justice

Undocumented migrant


“Whatever we feel is good or bad.”

“Whatever we feel needs to be done.”

“Whatever we feel humans do to destroy Earth.”

Sympathy only for non-whites, women, LGBQ+, atheists. Fuck all others

Free-shit taken away from evil-capitalist white-males, heterosexuals and Christians

Grouping all individuals according to skin color, race, gender, poverty, size, weight, or any other superficiality

White, male, heterosexual, wealthy, old, Christian, Western Culture, Logic, Reason

Dismantling white racism, heterosexism, Christianity

Put all non-whites, females, Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders at the head of every line of opportunity in society to make up for past oppression and offense

Whatever any woman accuses against any man

Homosexuals who politicizes their same-sex preferences

Non-binary feelings about genitalia you were born with

Triumph of Marxism, Communism, Socialism over Capitalism

Whatever Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio say it is

Any speech that hurts our feelings

A legally binding love between two living beings, your cat for example

Triumph of Marxism, Communism, Socialism

Whatever hurts our feelings

Whatever hurts our feelings

Competent, White, Male, Heterosexual, Christians

Triumph of Marxism, Communism, Socialism

Something not necessary for women to prove any accusation of rape

Biological divisions of the human species by skin color

Bias, discrimination, oppression based solely on skin color

All sexual encounters between men and women

Whatever phony PhD’s say it is


Grabbing power away from competent, white, male, heterosexual, Christians

Pure as the driven snow poor wretches only seeing a better life by crossing into another country

Anyone whose feelings are hurt
Rational consensus using logic and best evidence

Inevitable and/or planned fluctuations

Inevitable natural atmospheric fluctuations

Sympathy for all who suffer

Marxism, Communism, Socialism

 Variety in anything

To cause disagreement or hostility between people

Treating others as you wish to be treated with bias or discrimination

Fair and impartial access

What is verified either by observation or logical reasoning

Carefree, Lighthearted, Fun-loving, Convivial

Either Male or Female

A dream of Marxists, Communists and Socialists

Natural fluctuations in global temperatures

Subjective matter of opinion

The legal union of one man and one woman for the hope and protection of children through propagation

Marxism, Communism, Socialism

Imagined psychological slight

Genuine political repression

An earned advantage

Marxism, Communism, Socialism

That which can be demonstrated and publicly verified by evidence

There is no such thing as 'race' or 'races' in human biology, but there are Ethnicities

A term used rhetorically for political power

Crime of unwanted sexual acts between humans

Making probabilistic predictions based on analysis of past events

Fallible humans making probabilistic predictions based on analysis of past events

An impossible dream of political antagonists, power seekers

Criminals who break into a country where they do not have citizenship

Someone unfortunate

All of these words have been bent, belied, tortured, twisted, faked, distorted, mangled, disfigured, defaced, perverted, and warped beyond all recognition. Falsified in the service of a moral relativist political agenda baking cultural language into a bag of cheap, salty pretzels.  

You can push back against the postmodern nihilists running our schools every day by simply never using their dictionary. Eventually, you will notice media not using their dictionary. Then, defunding all postmodernists in public schools can actually happen. It’s up to you whether you prefer “Apprehending The Transcendent as Scruton and Peterson beckon us, or whether you prefer the gloomy, dank, dark, mindlessness of postmodern nihilism.


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