The Virtue of Being Offensive

The Virtue of Being Offensive

THE QUESTION:  Why are atheists, and most of the loony-left, so easily offended, and find being offended ‘indefensible’ and ‘unacceptable’ when they don’t even believe in any objective morality?

Consider the terminal fate these famous people met because they offended atheists and loony-leftists.
 Justine Sacco

Public Director for and, was fired in late 2013 after she made a public relations gaffe of her own. Sacco tweeted, "Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!" just before boarding an 11-hour flight. She was sacked before the plane landed.
This rising star was fired as the love interest in the Transformers movie franchise in 2009 after calling the film's director, Michael Bay, "Hitler." But it wasn't Bay that called for her firing; it was fellow director Steven Spielberg who demanded that she be fired. His demand was not ignored.

Even popular atheists and lefties are fired if they go against the fascist loony-left mafia.
This popular lefty and political satirist and television host lost his show "Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher" shortly after agreeing with politically incorrect comments shared on the show. Maher agreed with a pundit that the 9/11 terrorists were not cowardly, instead the Americans "have been the cowards." Added with earlier comments comparing his dogs to "retarded children," Maher's show was axed just a few months later.

Kevin Hart
And the latest is a popular black comedian was booted from the 2018 Oscars host spot by the rabid Academy Awards board of directors for offending homosexuals…years ago.

So, no one is safe from this unspeakable, unpardonable sin of offending by political correctness? Why? Being offensive is actually a virtue to be praised, imitated and taught to our children as a great social principle and value. Why? Let us count the ways.


A holy book tells us that the very founder of Christian love, compassion, mercy, charity, forgiveness, forbearance, kindness, and humility. Jesus Christ went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, “It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” Thieves!  Wow! Those moneychangers sure were offended, but they deserved it. Good for Jesus. He’d had enough of their bullshit. Moral principles and values are not right or wrong because some academic finds them acceptable or unacceptable. Moral principles and values are intuitively right or wrong. Consider the moral principle, ‘If you don’t know who you are, how can you know what you want to do? Force feeding hormone-blockers to a 5 year-old boy to make him think and act like a 5 year-old girl is intuitively wrong no matter who agrees or disagrees with that principle. It’s child abuse. It’s a crime. Or, at least, it should be.


Wars, weapons, flags, soldiers, and military culture offend a lot of people, yet they are necessary to control human nature’s excesses. Unless we find a way to take the profit of blood, dirt and treasure out of human lust, then war is inevitable. Until then, the things of war are necessary, but never sufficient for peace to be permanent.  You can be offended by the thought of your own death, but the fact remains you will die. Efforts to prolong life artificially will not bring human happiness. Who wants to be a decrepit 200 year-old living corpse sucking lunch through a non-plastic straw?  Others are offended that members of their tribe are not as ‘privileged’ as member of other tribes, but the fact remains that not everyone wins the lottery of life. Not all of us are endowed at birth with superior mental and/or physical talents, skills, and competitive abilities. Some of us, as is the case in all of nature, are inferior specimens by these metrics. Some of us, according to Darwin, are losers. Resenting the winners will never make a loser into a winner.


Bigotry is the intolerance of others who do not share your point view, or your circumstantial characteristics. Of all the bigotries in the human condition; Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Antisemitism, Heterosexism (what’s that?) Islamophobia, Ageism, Economic/Social Classism, t each is held by individuals who then gather in tribes around their bigotries. The result is stereotypical bigotry. Does that exculpate all accuser individual members of those tribes from being bigots themselves? Of course not. Here’s a FORMS OF OPPRESSION table from the training materials of a global education (indoctrination) organization called JUST COMMUNITIES. They claim that members of the tribe in the middle column are de facto ‘privileged oppressors’ of tribe members in the ‘oppressed target group’

(Just Communities Training Manual/PowerPoint)

So, who is the bigot here? Members of the Privilege Group? Member of the Target Group? Both? Neither?  Even a grade school child knows that merely because an individual in a member of one group or another does not mean that they must have the ‘oppressor’ or ‘target’ attributed to all members of that group.  To reason such is to commit a fallacy of reasoning; either composition/division.  JUST COMMUNITIES ‘teaches’ children as young as kindergarten that America is a racist society. They teach that all white, male, able-bodied, heterosexual, well-off, 18-65 year-olds, and Christians are ALL oppressors to anyone not in those tribes. Balderdash. Tummy-rot. Eyewash. The fact is that telling the truth does not always entail automatic bigotry. The fact is merely being identified as a member of a group does not entail bigotry. But any one who does make those claims is, by definition, a bigot. JUST COMMUNITIES preach bigotry in their training manuals. That does not mean that every member of JUST COMMUNITIES is a bigot.


What makes this discussion bemusing is that there are no ‘races’ in human biology, so there can be no ‘racism’ in human society either. The term ‘racism’ is only recent from 1903. Those playing the ‘race card’ are not interested in justice. They only want power through guilt. Just because you don’t like vanilla ice cream does not mean the you are ‘vanillaphobic’. Phobia is a ‘fear’ not a dislike.

“And they take us very far from the definitions given in modern dictionaries. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “racism” means: “a belief that one’s own racial or ethnic group is superior, or that other such groups represent a threat to one’s cultural identity, racial integrity, or economic well-being.” Furthermore, this relatively new word—the first example OED offers is from 1903—denotes “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against people of other racial or ethnic groups.” The first definition offered by the Merriam Webster Dictionary stresses the same elements: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” operative word….’belief’. — By: William Voegeli

 “Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall.” Joseph Goebbels Speech on 9 January 1928 to an audience of party members at the “Hochschule für Politik”, a series of training talks for Nazi party members in Berlin.


More bemusing still is the use of ‘the-N-word’ phrase. It would be difficult to think of a better way to foster anger and bigotry than to coerce everyone, except blacks of course by double-standard, to never speak the ‘N’ word itself  out of a contrived sense of guilt for slavery in America. Since my first day in a college classroom as a professor of philosophy 52 years ago, I’ve taught that slavery is the cancer that will ultimately destroy America. I never expected nor predicted that the distant descendants of African slaves would convince non-Africans to use such a phrase. Why? For the simple reason that although those on the guilt-train verbalize the phrase ‘the-N-word’ , they all mentally articulate the word and thus perpetuate its coinage in the currency of bigotry. Thus, the unutterable word carries its stigmata, and curse of banishment or worse should that word ever leak out of the brain and onto the floor of academic analysis. Imagine having the power to coerce self-censorship of a word…any word…but only one word in particular. That’s real power. They have out done Joseph Goebbels.

“Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall.” --- [Joseph Goebbels Speech on 9 January 1928 to an audience of party members at the “Hochschule für Politik”, a series of training talks for Nazi party members in Berlin.]

Being offensive is the best way to find out who the true bigots are.



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