ANTIFA: “This Is War!”

ANTIFA: “This Is Civil War!”

“An elderly man was brutally beaten by ANTIFA thugs wielding baseball bats in downtown Portland, Oregon, over the weekend. Another man, a Good Samaritan who came to his defense, was cracked in the skull with a crowbar. Not too far away from that altercation journalist Andy Ngo was set upon by another gang of leftist savages. He was punched in the face and pummeled by violent kicks. Others in the crowd sprayed the defenseless journalist with milkshakes laced with quick-drying cement and caustic chemicals.” 
 Source: Todd Starnes

Long before the election of Donald J. Trump many of us have cringed at the irrefutable signs of a violent and bloody cultural civil war now unfolding on the streets of our large metropolitan cities under the political control of Democrat politicians for decades. San Francisco, Oakland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Berkeley, Chicago, New York, Seattle, and Portland have long been controlled by far left, illiberal, elected democrat mayors, council members, supervisors and yes, even police chiefs and sheriffs commissioners. San Francisco and Los Angeles are literally toilets, literally. Here's the official San Francisco 'Poop Map' showing where human excrement is prevalent. 

Credit the cultural Marxist teachers K-University for incubating and nurturing these carefully choreographed electoral victories all the way down the ballot to school boards, community college trustees, and, fittingly, sewer boards. Credit also the traditional conservatives of all political stamps for taking their eyes off the local, regional, and state elections for allowing this to happen. But that’s water down the sewer.

So, in 2017 when an enraged and psychologically unhinged, Clinton Democratic Party blew the “Whatever It Takes Resistance” dog whistle to duly elected President Donald J. Trump, it came as no surprise the U. C. Berkeley exploded, not in free speech, but thuggish violence reminiscent of Nazi Blackshirts hypocritically masquerading as ANTI-FASCISTS; today’s ANTIFA

In 2018 one convicted ANTIFA thug is Eric Clanton, East Bay college philosophy professor with 4 counts of assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily. Again, in November 2018 Tom Keenan, 33, of Mt. Airy, a proud member of Philly's ANTIFA organization whose involvement in militant counter-protests against white supremacists dates back to at least 2007, is facing charges for an alleged assault on a group of U.S. Marine Reservists a few blocks from the "We the People" rally. (PPD )is facing charges for assaulting a group of U.S. Marines near a "We The People" rally according to Philadelphia Police. Here's the masked, good professor Clanton at work as an ANTIFA bike-lock wielding thug.

2019 saw a dramatic increase in violence by ANTIFA operatives. Hayden Williams, a Conservative student was viciously ATTACKED by a College ANTIFA thug, Zachary Greenberg, a psychology student at UC Berkeley. This video shows Hayden handing out CAMPUS REFORM, literature and being cold-cocked by Greenberg.  WARNING! VIOLENT VIDEO

Later in 2019, Charles Landeros, 30, was fatally shot in the head by officer Steve Timm at the middle school of his daughter. At the time of the shooting, the leader of the ANTIFA militant group “Red Arm” and founder of “Community Armed Self-Defense” was at the middle school resisting arrest. Landeros at the time was involved in a custody dispute with his former wife. He was wearing a “smash the patriarchy” shirt at the time of the shooting. Landeros was not only a leader in the Far-left militant group out of Eugene, Oregon, but he also was the chief firearms instructor for the organizations. The stated mission of the group is to, “defend the oppressed.” Landeros, who identified by non-gender specific pronouns, had a goal to teach and form an armed group to protect members of the LGBTQ+ communities, as well as communities of various cultural backgrounds considered “oppressed”.
Here’s the body cam video of Landeros pulling a gun and firing at officers. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE 
Another more foreboding escalation, is the aid and comfort afforded to these criminals by the apoplectic main-scream media echoing Joe Biden anointing ANTIFA thugs as ‘courageous’. Pile that on top of the open approval of Big-Tech Google, PayPal, Twitter and Facebook social media pushing the narrative that ANTIFA goons had no free will to refrain from violence in the face of President Trump’s anti-Marxist, ‘America First’ rhetoric, immigration policies, and economic boom programs. Thugs just can’t help themselves apparently. Well, you be the judge of these ANTIFA convicted violent criminals
CNN launched this public relations campaign for ANTIFA even after the group had attacked about a dozen journalists. As recently as April of this year, just a few months ago, CNN’s Andrew Como defended ANTIFA as fighters of a “good cause” — and this was long after ANTIFA had repeatedly beaten, bullied, and roughed up members of the media:
Here’s a vetted summary of violent attacks by ANTIFA thugs on police, sheriffs, journalists, radiographers, and just peaceful citizens engaging in free speech and assembly.
1.     August 2017: Independent journalist Keith Campbell beaten by ANTIFA in Berkeley, CA.
2.     August 2017: CBS photojournalists attacked by ANTIFA; required stitches in his head.
3.     August 2017: Female reporter, Taylor Lorenz, allegedly punched by ANTIFA
4.     August 2017: Journalist shoved and robbed by ANTIFA in San Francisco.
5.     June 2017: ANTIFA attacked Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt in Melbourne Australia.
6.     July 2017: Independent journalist Luke Rudkowski beaten by ANTIFA at G20.
7.     July 2017: journalist Marcus J. DiPaola beaten by ANTIFA at G20.
8.     July 2017: journalist Max Bachmann beaten by ANTIFA at G20
9.     August 2017: Rebel Media’s Jack Posobiec assaulted by ANTIFA in DC.
10.  August 2017: Global News crew assaulted by ANTIFA in Quebec.
11.  April 2017: Daily Caller cameraman assaulted by ANTIFA in DC
12.  August 2018: NBC News cameraman shoved around by ANTIFA in Virginia.
13.  August 2018: Same NBC News crew attacked again by Antiva
14.  November 2018: Journalist Andy Ngo assaulted by ANTIFA in Portland.

The attack on Any Ngo happened outside the Portland ‘Justice Center’ that houses both the county Sheriff’s and Portland Police Department. So there was no shortage of law enforcement on hand to prevent the attack or at least arrest his attackers. Law enforcement did nothing until days later. Some, such as Texas Senator Ted Cruz have demanded that the Justice Department investigate Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler for turning over Portland’s streets to ANTIFA.
“To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists,” Cruz tweeted alongside a story recapping the incident surrounding Ngo.

Film at 11…if there is any.

So, it takes no Svengali, holy prophet, or soothsayer to predict that ANTIFA will ignite a deadly shooting war that will quickly turn the streets red with blood waging their culture war. Even some traditional liberals have this creepy-crawly feeling that blood will soon be shed by ANTIFA, police, and citizen’s militia if police fail to arrest and courts fail to jail ANTIFA criminals.
(To Law Enforcement) had these chilling predictions:

A recent demonstration of force in Phoenix, Arizona, was so unsettling it left liberal Phoenix New Times columnist Stephen Lemons wondering if "bloodshed is on the horizon'.' In hindsight, it occurs to me that if a left-wing militia and a right-wing militia ... cross paths at a future demonstration, there very easily could be bloodshed;' Lemons wrote. "Both sides are loaded for bear. And I get the feeling both sides can rationalize their behavior after the fact, even if it comes down to killing someone:'

Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement

In the immortal words of perhaps our next president, Joe Biden: “Buy a shotgun!”

--- Mark McIntire
The Meddlesome Priest


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