A Brief History of Everything

A Brief History of Everything

Everything has already happened. The past, the present and the future happen in the ‘now’
 --- The Meddlesome Priest
It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Start with the question, “Did everything that ever happened happen just as it happened and in exactly no other way than it did happen?”

Well, the answer to that is and obvious ‘yes’.

Everything that ever happened, no matter what or when that was, happened in an exact way, and in no other way than it did happen. Deductively we know this is true whether or not we know that ‘exact way’ it precisely happened. 

This is rationally irrefutably because it’s a tautology. How so? The only clear, precise, and absolute meaning of ‘anything that ever did happen’ in the ‘past’ entails the very notion that whatever happened did so in a unique and exact way and in no other way otherwise something else would have happened it its own exact way.

Time is not something you ‘find’. Time is a durational ‘now’ to be exploited for better or worse.

These few deductive observations lead then to a Brief History of Everything:
Premise One:
Everything that DID happen, happened exactly the way it happened and in no other way than it happened whether or not any human knows how it happened.   (fact)
Premise Two:
Everything that IS happening, depends upon everything that DID happen happening just exactly as it did happen and in no other way whether or not any human knows how it exactly happened. (fact)
Premise Three:
Everything that WILL happen depends upon everything that IS happening and everything that DID ever happed, happening exactly as it did happen and in no other way whether or not any human knows how it will happen. (fact)
Q.E.D :
Therefore, everything that DID, IS and/or WILL happen has already happened in just exactly the way it DID, IS and/or WILL happen and in no other way, whether or not any human knows how it exactly happened, how it is exactly happening or how it will exactly happen. (fact)
The Alpha is the Omega.
This is the primary reason I am a Pantheo-Stoic:
Pantheo = God is that which is; Ens Qua Ens
Stoic = So, don’t worry about anything that happens, happened, or will happen...they already happened
Where to learn more about The Meddlesome Priest


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