Our Dying Dystopia

" The fear of death follows from the fear of life. 

A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any 


Physician-assisted suicide will become legal in California in 2016 under a bill signed into law on Monday by Governor Jerry Brown. The 77-year-old Democrat and lifelong Catholic and former Jesuit seminarian said he had acted after discussing the issue with many people, including two of his own doctors. The South African archbishop and rights icon Desmond Tutu had spoken out in favor of it. "I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain," Brown said in a statement released Monday. "I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill."

Life is too long. Life can be unworthy of living. At least that’s what the ‘modern’ STATE mind wants you to think. Government has a whole host of reasons it wants you dead sooner rather than later. And now, THE STATE is passing laws to make it a lot easier to get you off the grid, off the dole, off the carbon footprint, off the healthcare system and ultimately off the planet. Dying is now a matter of STATE policy. Take California for example. Come to California and chill-out...eternally.. It’s now easier to kick-the-bucket in California from womb to hospice, thanks to Governor Jerry Brown and his incestuous relations with the California Legislature.  Except for years 1994 to 1996, this legislature has been controlled by liberal democrats since 1959. They are masters of the modern STATE MIND. So it’s only natural that one day they’d get around to helping you die quicker by legalizing STATE assisted suicide. In fact, the ‘way-cool-awesome-chillin’ state will help you die in a number of new ways from the conception to grave.

Before the rise of the modern STATE, dying was a simple matter of waiting for your time to come, committing suicide, or getting killed in a myriad of odd ways. Not anymore. Ah, when it comes to preserving and protecting your life or ending your life, the State of California just knows what’s best for you. Just as car dealers give deep discounts on unsold older models to make room for newer ones, the modern state facilitates your 'non-being' either before birth, while you attend school, or as you languish in a hospice. Maybe you’ve just lived too long. Ah, the state now let’s your selfish and rapacious relatives ‘assist’ you with getting out of the way so they can spend your money sooner without waiting for nature to take its course. Naturally, you have to pay a 'death tax' for the privilege of being robbed after you die. Why have ‘natural’ deaths when you can have ‘assisted’ one? 

Brilliant idea! And think of the savings to our Obamacare, climate change, carbon footprint, food chain, landfill. After all, living and dying are all about saving money right? Your death may save the planet from extinction. If we are born without objective identity, meaning and purpose we might as well die that way too, right? It’s all ‘subjective’. Chill out!

And suppose you want to die in a classroom while going into monstrous debt for a degree that certifies you’re an idiot. What better way to die than have STATE signs posted at all the entrances to your campus that read:


SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 707, prohibiting gun owners issued a license by their local police chief or sheriff from carrying handguns for self-defense on California school grounds. It also subjects those with a carry permit, issued only after passing a strict, fingerprint-based background check and agency-approved training course, harsh new criminal liability for merely possessing a single round of ammunition on the grounds of any school or college campus, even if they don’t also possess a firearm.

Bet you didn’t know that ‘ammunition kills’ even when not loaded into a gun, eh? Well, THE STATE knows that. They’re educated postmodernist thinkers. Reality is whatever they fantasize it is. Rational people find it difficult to understand THE STATE mindset that yields these absurd state laws. What’s wrong with this mindset they ask?

Several things ...
#1.  They love the mindless collective. They really believe that the individual is of lesser importance than the collective merely because we choose to live in ‘society’ with each other. It takes a village you know. This is a strange idea since the collective is made up of willing and/or unwilling individuals. Reasonable people reward the willing and punish the unwilling. The STATE mindset is to reward everyone and/or punish everyone without respect for the individual. The STATE progressive tax system is a random example of mindless collectivity. The mob hires thugs with guns and badges called politicians to steal things from the proper owners and ‘redistribute’ those things to the avaricious mob. The armed IRS and the armed EPA are just two random examples of confiscatory mindless collectivity enforced by armed AGENTS OF THE STATE.

 #2. Because of #1, therefore, THE STATE MINDSET is Government. Using their guns to impose their notion of ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’ THE STATE agents can command you to bake a cake, give up your house for a freeway, buy health insurance, who can marry, and ultimately ‘die with dignity’ assisted by STATE certified agents.

#3.  Because of #1 and #2, therefore, this STATE mindset despises the individual that speaks or acts contrary to the mindless collective.  Contrary views are not only ‘wrong’ by definition, but they are also dangerous and must be suppressed. Naturally, that means suppressing the natural rights of the individual person. Attempts to repeal the Bill of Rights especially the First and Second Amendments is just one random example of our contemporary mindless collective political correctness gone mad.

 #4. Since 1 through 4 is  entrenched in the mindless collective consciousness THE STATE can impose government solutions that cannot fit every individual. Their public school ‘common core education plan’ for imbecility is yet another of their mindless collectivity. The fantasy of trying to fix ‘income inequality’ is another example of THE STATE suppressing individual freedom.

#5. However, STATE rules numbers 1-4 do not apply to STATE AGENTS; they are exempt from the very policies they impose on everyone else. Just ask Diane Feinstein to show you her fully loaded, ready to fire concealed gun....just as one random example. Modern GUARDIANS OF THE STATE send their privileged children to private schools. Just ask the Obama girls where they attend class, protected by men with guns…lots of guns.

#6. Most egregious of all, the modern mindless collective rails against the truly wealthy 1% of the country because, in the mind of the collective, the 1% have ‘too much’ wealth’. They actually believe that they have the right to decide what is and what is not ‘too much wealth’. Well, sure. It makes perfect sense to them. If THE STATE has the right to set a minimum wage, then that STATE has the right to set a maximum income. All you need to do is stoke the hatred of class envy. The modern liberal rails against ‘inequality’, but they cannot define it and they would not be able to tell you if and when it is eradicated. Ending social and economic inequality would be like try to end farting. Good luck with that.

And there’s more good news for the STATE DYSTOPIA of mindless collectivity. Criminal trespassers can now register to vote at the California DMV. This does not directly cause your premature death, but it does remotely guarantee the mindless collective agents of THE STATE in elected STATE office until all of the now living are six-feet under. That will kill you for sure.

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.

Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.Brown and the California Democratic Party know exactly what they are doing; as a Public Policy Institute survey showed, among unregistered adults, 49% lean toward the Democratic Party and 22% toward the Republican Party. Any bill permitting illegal immigrants to vote would cement the Democratic Party’s hold on California.

So, with we have arrived at our STATE dying dystopia. It can now determine if and when you’re born, if and how you’ll live, and how or when you’ll die. The STATE has done this before...in the 1920's and 30's...in Germany: 

" Before Adolf Hitler came to power and issued the executive order for the T-4 (euthanasia) programme to be implemented, the ideological ground had been thoroughly prepared. 

Years before in 1920, two eminent German academics: Karl Binding, a law professor, and Alfred Hoche, a doctor, published their seminal work: "Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life". 

They argued that first it was acceptable for an outside agency to define what individual life was worthless, and second that in effect, an individual had to justify his existence according to criteria imposed from outside. This means proving to the agency that one's life was worthwhile)."  (source, 

That same STATE that has the power to abort you before you are born now has the power to decree if your life is worth living and 'assist' with your dirt nap. No wonder they want to take your guns. Welcome to California. Awesome! Chill. Have a nice day.  



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