Anno Trumpi, Year One

    Keep saying outrageous things into cameras and microphones, and they will follow you. Keep doing that. Seventeen months later, you’re elected President of the United States. Welcome to Anno Trumpi, Year 1. Say more outrageous things then do reasonable things. Keep everyone guessing. Keep everyone upended. Upending traditions of millennia ushers in a new millennium itself. Cleaving the ages into eras of human existence is the work of potentates. Only a force or a movement can command epochs. Jesus Christ drew a line in history between, BC, and after, AD. Atheist academics ( a redundancy now) tried and failed to create CE, the Common Era. That flopped. No personality. Calendars are inspired by people with gravitas, not trips around the Sun. Zoroaster, Julius Caesar, Jesus Christ, Pope St Gregory the Great, and now…Donald J. Trump the Practical, not a Conservative, not a Liberal, not even a Republican. He tires not. He spares not. He’s no spare tire. He’s a force. He’s a movement. He makes them wet the bed. Ignore him at your peril as many can now testify from the elite hierarchy of both parties, the defrocked main street media and now, globally, all of Europe. He upends them all. They will either have to assassinate him or impeach him out of office. He is that much of a nightmare to cultural Marxists in the 'Deep State'. Media and and academics hate him so much that their eyes bleed blood at mere mention of his name. 

   Evolving 55,000 years from the Stone age to the Information Age humans have outgrown the need for ideology. Today, in the political sphere, we are enter the 'Post-Ideology Age’ that I define as; "The abandonment of any ideology in deference to the practicum in all applications of reason including, but not limited to, art, science, religion, sociology, culture, and politics.". This new age began on November 8th 2016 with the presidential election of Donald J. Trump. From that point forward all political, religious, and social calculations, divisions, and history will be measured, not by Anno Domini, in the year of the Lord, but AT, Anno Trumpi, in the year of Trump.  Since your faithful but acerbic scribe here accurately predicted his victory and the reasons for it, here’s what’s going to happen in Year 1, Anno Trumpi. Save this blog for future reference.

·   Trump is the Medium and the Message:

    Every microphone and camera on the planet awaits his next pronouncement, his next move, his next tweeted attack on the hapless prisoners still chained together in Plato’s cave. Say incendiary things. Trump not only upended the elites of both Republican and Democrat parties, but he did it by upending the legacy media that falsely decreed what the population they must think, say and vote for. The academics made them do it. Then they hid under their desks. Make them wet the bed. Say inflammatory things. Only the hubris of Daedalus and his son Icarus can match this media mass-academically-assisted suicide. Marshall McLuhan only got it half right. Not only is the medium the message, in Trump's case it's also the messenger.  Fools. Donald Trump merely made himself both the medium and the message as Twitter-Tweeter-In-Chief. Bypassing everything and everyone established he goaded the catamites to distort and attack him so viciously that even a school child from Pluto knew they were poltroons (deceitful liars). And like the fly-boy Icarus, the media fell from the sky. Their wings melted with the heat of their lies, and they crashed to earth. They are neither the medium, nor the message, nor the messengers, but objects of derision. They wet the bed. Trump is no ideologue. Trump is a movement, a movement of unhappiness, a force of affirmation in a theater of cowards.
“We have a movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.” --- President Donald J. Trump, Iowa ‘Thank You’ Speech December 8, 2016

   Your erstwhile scribe here is not alone in this recalculation of epochs. Peggy Noonan gets it. She’s a sober intellect and pithy writer who sprinkles this epic reset in her recent Wall Street Journal piece: What Trump Got That Romney Didn’t : Ideology isn’t enough to provide the unity America needs.

“Americans are not ideologues,” I wrote. “They think ideology is something squished down on their heads from on high, something imposed on them by big thinkers who create systems we’re all supposed to conform to. Americans are more interested in philosophy, which bubbles up from human beings, from tradition and learned experience, and isn’t imposed.”
“More pertinent than ideology, I thought, was the work of a political philosopher, Edmund Burke. “Burke respected reality, acknowledged human nature, and appreciated political context. In ‘Reflections on the Revolution in France,’ he wrote, ‘Circumstances (which with some gentlemen pass for nothing) give in reality to every political principle its distinguishing color and discriminating effect. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind.’ ”
“One of the most interesting comments at the recent Kennedy School postelection conference came from Mr. Trump’s pollster Tony Fabrizio. People don’t get Trump, he said, because “we really live in a world where everybody thinks that ideology is linear, and that ‘If you answer these 10 questions correctly, that makes you a conservative.’ ” He added, “many people tried to look at the Donald Trump phenomenon through the ideological lenses which had defined previous Republican presidential nominating contests.” But “Donald Trump is postideological.” Which, he said, is why so many Bernie Sanders people liked him.”

Even ousted UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, seems to get it, but for all the wrong reasons. At DePauw University he told American students that he got the boot from the “movement of unhappiness”. Correct David. Your elite education wasn’t a total waste, but you really have no idea what bus ran you over.

·   Trump brandishes a Flaming Sword at the Gates:
"The generals under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have not been successful," Trump said at televised military forum in September. "Under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble, reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country."

    "And a trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised, raised incorruptible" (1 Corinthians 15:52 ). President-elect Trump wasted no time in inventing the message of each new day through himself as the medium. Tweeting directly to the planet Trump thunderstruck the globe surrounding himself with battle-hardened warriors looking for ass to kick and names to take.  Make them wet the bed. Say outrageous things. Keep doing that.

“Trump has tapped retired general Michael Flynn to be his national-security adviser, James Mattis to be secretary of defense, and now John Kelly to run the Department of Homeland Security.”

Read more at:

    Most conspicuous of Trump’s Generals is James ‘Mad-Dog’ Mattis a commander in the field with unmatched ferocity, patience and determination. Here are a few of his words on the topic address his troops:
“You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.”"It’s all the more important today that we hold to our precious legacy of ferocious, ethical combat performance."“But there was another word that I learned to prioritize as I evaluated units, and that word was affection."
In a Marines video posted on Oct. 13, 2016, Mattis revealed his “leadership lessons” from his 41-year long career in the corps.
"It’s not popularity -- with all the favoritism that comes with trying to be a popular person as a leader. That’s a road to failure," Mattis said. "But affection that you create in a unit, an affection so strong that the troops will stick by one another and carry out the mission even in peril."

    {If you’re still emotionally bed-ridden by his election you can catch up by reading my two prescient blogs predicting it before reading what will happen to you in Year 1, Anno Trumpi}

Next blogs will continue what will happen in
 Year 1, Anno Trumpi :

·     Trump Cancels the Iran Nuke Give-A-Way
·     Trump Destroys Islamist Jihadists
·     Trump Builds That Wall
·     Trump Eliminates Job Killing EPA Regulations
·     Trump is the Non-Ideological Den Mother Of The World

You better catch up…before you’re be left behind…again.


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